UX/UI Design and Development

At Kaniatech, we transform your ideas into meaningful user stories with our creative UI/UX development. Our expert UI/UX designers mainly focus on user expectations and incorporate the UX design practice in every stage of the app development cycle. We create interfaces that are aesthetically appealing, easy to navigate, and truly user-friendly. We build creative and impressive designs with our deep knowledge of web designing and implementing the latest technology trends in your business.

Being one of the top UI/UX Design Company, we build creative and impressive designs by implementing the latest trends. We provide the best UI/UX design services by delivering hassle-free and cost-effective development of your application. With our web and mobile application design services, we deliver design solutions that are creative, empowering and brand-centric.

Our Design Process

We use an iterative process that meets user expectations and also differentiate you from your competitors in the market. In our design process, we repeatedly go through several stages by evaluating our designs with clients on each stage.

Market Research & Analysis

We kick start the UX process with thorough research by gathering, analyzing, and defining requirements to understand user goals and interactions. At the research stage, we help you to identify a strategy to support both user requirements and your business goals. Our analytical and research-oriented approach delivers strategic insights on your customer’s interactions and reactions with your application.


Wireframes play a vital role in visualizing data structures and representing UI features. It allows early testing of workflows, navigation, and overall data structure.

UI Concept

The visual appeal of your application has a huge impact on users. We apply user-centered design to produce a cohesive, predictable, and pleasing effect on the target audience. A UI concept includes color designs, layouts, typography, and the overall style of the product.


The goal of the prototype is to illustrate the performance of the product and show how it would work in the real world. Our detailed clickable and fully-interactive prototypes represent the underlying flow of the entire product even before it’s completely built.


Kaniatech handles user-testing sessions and performs a thorough analysis to transform data into actionable design developments.